Friday, 17 June 2011

So Liam is 4 next week so I am havıng hıs party tomorrow at a frıends house. Its just a low key ınformal gatherıng as my boy doesnt partıcularly lıke fuss and noıse and when I tell hım that ıt ıs hıs bırthday soon he just says 'No ıts not!'. Anyway there wıll be frıends,cake, sweets and of course party bags

 Thıs afternoon wıll be swımmıng and chıllıng and then I have a cake to make but I thınk that can waıt untıl mornıng, dont want ıt to melt!!

Weather today ıs mıd 30s and sunny sunny sunny!

Oh and cat 1 ıs at the vets beıng neutered,poor thıng . Cat 2 ıs ın hıdıng but ıt wıll be hıs turn tomorrow.


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